Day 2: TASK: The Building Blocks of Celebrity

Titles1Big Brother has set Housemates their first task of the series

In their pairs, the Celebrity Housemates are challenged to build a tower which represents the size of their fame using Big Brother’s building blocks of celebrity.

In the Living Area is a pile of large colourful building blocks – each representing traits which can contribute to making someone a Celebrity (e.g. Talent, Celebrity Relationships, Cosmetic Surgery, Money Problems, and Controversy). Taking it in turns, each pair of celebrities must choose a building block which applies to one or both of them and place it on their tower.

They must then explain why they chose this building block by sharing a relevant story from their celebrity lifestyle with the group. If Big Brother isn’t satisfied with an explanation, Big Brother may ask Housemates to elaborate further, and if the block really doesn’t apply to their story, Big Brother will ask them to remove the block from the tower.

At the end of the task, the pair with the tallest tower of blocks will be declared the biggest superstars. They will win a key which will allow them to free themselves and they will automatically gain immunity from the first eviction. Should two or more pairs build towers of equal height, one golden tie-breaking block will be delivered which the pairs will compete for.


Jim and Linda were freed from their handcuffs and are now immune from the first public vote.

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