Day 49: Nominations: Who Nominated Who?

It’s the first round of normal nominations today! Find out who nominated who…

Jack is in Diary Room making his nomination. His first nomination is Marc. “I feel he adds a level of discomfort. He’s trying to manipulate people and I don’t feel comfortable when I’m with him in a room.” His second nomination is Sam. “She doesn’t think about others. I don’t think she cares about others.”

· Harry nominates Sam saying, “I don’t know where I stand with her. She does not show a lot of loyalty.” She also nominates Jack, “I feel he has been very, very grumpy and has been quite short with me.”

· Marc nominates Danny saying, “He’s playing the game of the nice card guy. It really p****d me off how he turned on me. His second nomination is Cristian saying, “He’s the master puppeteer’s left hand man. After surviving two evictions, he thinks he just doesn’t have to show his opinion anymore.”

· Danny nominates Marc saying, “He knows how to push my buttons and makes me angry.” With Sam he says he finds her quotes and general personality, annoying.

Joel nominates Sam saying, “She has become a person who she hasn’t wanted to become. She’s quite unpredictable. I’d rather she was totally honest with me all the time.” He nominates Harry says, “I feel she can be quite controversial. I think I have not spent enough time with Nick because of their friendship.”

· Chloe nominates Marc saying. “He is the person I seem to get on with the least in the house. We have clashed many times.” She nominates Harry saying, “She seems to fly off the handle. It makes it awkward and can make for a tense and awkward atmosphere in the house.”

· Sam nominates Harry saying, “I feel like I’m walking on eggshells with her.” She nominates Jack saying, “Sometimes he takes things too seriously and gets his knickers in a twist.”

· Cristian nominates Marc saying, “He goes around and starts arguments and then starts playing the victim.” He nominates Harry saying, “She makes it her job to get involved in situations. I think the ways she’s going about things, turns quite tense. She does get aggressive.”

Nick must do his face to face nominations. He nominates Marc saying, “When Brian tried to get away from you, I felt like you antagonised him on purpose. On occasions, you did more to try to wind him up.” He also nominates Sam saying, “You sit on the fence. You’re a people pleaser. When you’re people pleasing in an argumentative situation, it may be perceived as two faced.” Marc is annoyed about Nick’s reasons.

· Aisleyne is asked stand up. She must also nominate face to face. She nominates Marc saying, “I feel like a very close friend of mine, who’s a gentle giant wall scaled a wall because he felt pressure from two particular Housemates.” She nominates Sam saying, “You went in really hard on Nikki. It hurt my feelings to see her so upset because she believed you’d made a connection.” Marc says, “I don’t mind being nominated but do not lie. He antagonised me constantly. I defended myself.” Harry defends Marc saying, “Brian is more than able to defend himself.”

Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm.

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